Global Finance and Urban Living
Leslie Budd
Not Available
Consuming Places
JOHN Lancaster University and 1 more
The Badlands of Modernity
Kevin Hetherington
The Sociology of the Soviet Union
Karl Mannheim and 1 more
Sane Society Ils 252
E Fromm
The American Science of Politics
Prof Bernard Crick and 1 more
Social Defence Ils 212
Marc Ancel
Values&Involv Gram Sch Ils 240
Ronald King
Educatnl Psychol Ussr Ils 268
Intl Library Of Soc
The Danube Basin and the German Economic Sphere
Antonin Basch
Social Theory and Methodology
Leslie Sklair and 3 more
The Sociology of Religion
Andrew Wyatt
The Sociology of East Asia
John F Embree and 1 more
The Sociology of Gender and the Family
Alva Myrdal and 1 more
The Sociology of Culture
Ralph Linton and 1 more
The Sociology of Youth and Adolescence
E M Eppel and 3 more
Economics and Society
Gunnar Myrdal
The Sociology of Nationalism
David McCrone
Risk in a Technological Age
Joost Van Loon
Social Theory & Method 16v:Ils
John Foubert
Between Sex and Power
Göran Therborn
After Methodology
John Law
After Method
The Culture of Exception
Bulent Diken and 1 more
States of Knowledge
Sheila Jasanoff
Qualitative Complexity
John Smith and 2 more
A Short History of Sociology
Heinz Maus
Complexity and Social Movements
Graeme University of Bradford and 2 more
The Sociology of Progress
Leslie Sklair
The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilisation
Elton Mayo
The Sociology of Behaviour and Psychology
Neil J Smelser
Non-Representational Theory
Nigel University of Warwick and 2 more
N J Thrift
Multicultural Horizons
AnneMarie University of Lancaster and 1 more
Sociology Through the Projector
Bulent Lancaster University and 2 more
Homo Ludens Ils 86
J Huizinga
Urban Fears and Global Terrors
Victor Jeleniewski Seidler
Global Nomads
Anthony DAndrea
The Cinematic Tourist
Rodanthi Tzanelli
Time, Innovation and Mobilities
Peter Frank Peters
Saulo Lancaster University and 1 more
Mobile Lives
Anthony University of South Australia and 3 more
Haunting the Knowledge Economy
Jane Monash University and 6 more
Sociology Of Music Ils 91
Alphons Silbermann and 1 more
Church & Social Work Ils 181
M Penelope Hall and 1 more
Erich Fromm
The Ideal Foundations of Economic Thought
Werner Stark
The History of Economics
The Logic of Liberty
Michael Polanyi
The Analysis of Political Behaviour
Harold D Lasswell
The Sociology of Religion Part 4
Mende Of Sierra Leone Ils 65
Kenneth Little
Economy and Society
Talcot Parsons and 1 more
Theory of Collective Behaviour
Islam and the Integration of Society
W Montgomery Watt and 1 more
The Sociology of Knowledge
Stark F Werner
The Revolution in Anthropology Ils 69
IC Jarvie
Politics Of Influence Ils 48
Graham Wootton
Power & Society Ils 50
The Sociology of Religion Part Two
The Human Group
George C Homans
A Chinese Village
Martin C Yang
Econ Dev Village India Ils 59
M R Haswell
Revolution in a Chinese Village
David Crook and 1 more
Malay Fishermen
Raymond Firth
The Analysis of Political Systems
Douglas V Verney
Cultural Background Personality ILS 84
Ralph Linton
The Decline of Liberalism as an Ideology
John H Hallowell
The Economic Order and Religion
Frank Knight
Sociology Lit Taste Ils 90
Levin L Schucking
The Family and Social Change
Colin Harris and 1 more
Religious Behaviour
Michael Argyle
Societies In Making Ils 89
H Jennings
Soc Relign Pt5:Typ Rel Ils 83
W H Bruford
Farewell European Hist Ils 95
A Weber
Dance In Society Ils 85
Frances Rust
The Fundamental Forms of Social Thought
The Nature and Types of Sociological Theory
Don Martindale
The Theory of Social Change
John McLeish
Sociology of the Renaissance Vol 9
Alfred W Von Martin
The Logic of Social Enquiry
Quentin Gibson
Key Problems of Sociological Theory
John Rex
Social Relations in a Secondary School
David H Hargreaves and 1 more
Social Casework Ils 189
Noel Timms
The Golden Wing
YuehHwa Lin
Young Men in Detention Centres Ils 213
Karl Mannheim
Functns Soc Conflict Ils 110
Lewis A Coser
Problems In Education Ils 232
Brian Holmes
Revolt, Revolution, Critique
Bulent Lancaster University and 1 more
Jean Baudrillard
David B Clarke
Towards Relational Sociology
Nick Crossley
Social Transnationalism
Steffen Mau
The Japanese Village Ils 56
JF Embree
City & Region Ils 169
Robert E Dickinson
The Educational Thought and Influence of Matthew Arnold
WF Connell
Middle Class Families
Colin Bell
Educ & Soc Change Ghana Ils 60
The Study of Groups
Josephine Klein
The Economic Development of the Middle East
Alfred Bonne
The Negro Family in British Guiana
Raymond T Smith
The Journey to Work
Kate Liepmann
A Introduction to Teaching Casework Skills
Jean S Heywood
Populatn Soc Arab East Ils 68
Gabriel Baer
The Conditions of Social Performance
Cyril Belshaw
Social Control in an African Society
PH Gulliver
The Qualifying Associations
Geoffrey Millerson
Industrial Disputes Ils 151
J E T Eldridge
Lorry Driver Ils 154
Peter G Hollowell
The Sociology of an English Village: Gosforth
W M Williams
New Dubliners Ils 172
AJ Humphreys
Youth & Social Order Ils 149
E Musgrove
The Shops of Britain
Hermann Levy
The People of Ship Street
Madeline Kerr
Working Class Comm Ils 122
Brian Jackson
A Psycho-Analytical Approach to Juvenile Delinquency
Kate Friedlander
Studies Class Struct Ils 121
G DH Cole
The City Region in Western Europe
Nation&Family:Swedish Ils 136
Marginal Situation Ils 112
H E DickieClark
Work & Leisure Ils 166
Nels Anderson
The Sociology of Colonies [Part 2]
Rene Maunier
The Price of Social Security
Gertrude Williams
The Sociology of the Colonies [Part 1]
Creatve Demoblstn Pt2 Ils 183
EA Gutkind
The Family and Democractic Society
Joseph K Folsom
Neighbours:New Est Ils 114
Howard Bracey
The Personality of the Urban African in South Africa
C de Ridder
The English Prison and Borstal Systems
Lionel W Fox
Inst Of Private Law Ils 208
Karl Renner and 2 more
Frustration & Aggressn Ils 245
Marc Ancel and 1 more
The Desegregation of the Mentally Ill
J Hoenig and 1 more
Developmnt Conscience Ils 242
Geoffrey M Stephenson
Educ Borstal Boys Ils 204
Erica Stratta
Juvenile Delinquency in an English Middle Town
Hermann EA advised author deceased and executor unknowm ac placed on hold awaiting estate to get in touch sf case Mannheim
The Framework of Human Behaviour
Julian Blackburn
The Family in the USSR
Rudolf Schlesinger
Group Problems in Crime and Punishment
The Social Psychology of Education
CM Fleming
Who Shall Be Educated? Ils 241
William Lloyd Warner
Legal Aid Ils 210
Robert Egerton
Learng Thro Group Exp Ils 249
AKC Ottaway
Put Away Ils 265
Pauline Morris
Education & Society in Modern France Ils 219
William Rae Fraser
Down Stream
RR Dale and 1 more
The Professional Task in Welfare Practice
Peter Nokes
Social Services in British Industry
AF Young
The Education of a Countryman
Harry McGuire Burton
Social Sec:Beveridge Ils 191
George Victor
Sociology Of Housing Ils 194
R N Morris and 1 more
The Criminal Area
Professor Terence Morris and 1 more
Working Comm Groups Ils 198
George W Goetschius
Sixth Form&Coll Entrnc Ils 234
Raymond Morris
Stillness in a Mobile World
David The Australian National University and 1 more
Chekhov & His Russia Ils 267
WH Bruford
The School Inspector
EL Edmonds
Technl Growth&Soc Chan Ils 165
Stanley Arthur Hetzler
The West European City
An Approach to Urban Sociology
PH Mann
Family Environment and Delinquency
Sheldon Glueck and 1 more
The Family Herds
Harold Orlans
Penelope Hall's Social Services of England and Wales
Anthony Forder
Social Learn&Imitation Ils 254
John Dollard and 1 more
The Regions of Germany
The Social Background of a Plan
Ruth Glass
Creative Demobilisation
Retail Trade Associations
Mobility in the Labour Market
Margaret Jefferys
Social Mobility in Britain
DV Glass
Adopted Children Ils 123
Alexina M McWhinnie
The Social Services of Modern England
M Penelope Hall
The Social Purposes of Education
KG Collier
Soviet Youth
Dorothea L Meek
Indust Injuries Insur Ils 152
A F Young
Studies in the Social Psychology of Adolescence
JF Forrester et al and 4 more
Relocating Cultural Studies
Valda Blundell
Mobility, Space and Culture
Peter Merriman
Soviet Legal Theory Ils 273
Tradition and Economy in Village India
K Ishwaran
The Deprived and The Privileged
BM Spinley
Negroes in Britain
K L Little
Planned Organizn Chang Ils 158
Garth N Jones
A History of Autobiography in Antiquity
Georg Misch
Class American Socty Ils 103
Leonard Reissman
Psychology in the Soviet Union Ils 272
Brian Simon
Crime and Punishment in Contemporary Culture
Claire Valier
Theories of the Information Society
Frank City University and 2 more
Visual Worlds
John R Hall
Adolescent Girls in Approved Schools
Helen J Richardson
Psych Soc Work Gt Brit Ils 264
Noel Tims
Travel Connections
Jennie Germann Molz
Social Policies for Old Age
B E Shenfield
The Nationalities Problem & Soviet Administration
A Tale Of Two Cities
Karen Evans and 1 more
Social Class and the Comprehensive School
Julienne Ford and 1 more
The First Years of Yangyi Commune
Men of Letters and the English Public in the 18th Century
Alexandre Beljame
Bernard Crick
Families and their Relatives
Hubert Firth and 1 more
New Trends in Education in the Eighteenth Century
Nicholas A Hans
Education in Israel ILS 222
Jose Bentwich
Mobilising Modernity
Ian Welsh
Fragmenting Societies?
David C Thorns
Discourse Power and Justice
Michael Adler and 1 more
Leisure, Lifestyle and the New Middle Class
Derek Wynne
Process Of Independence Ils 51
Fatma Mansur
Coop Living Palestine Ils 106
Henrik F Infield
Illness as a Work of Thought
Monica Greco
Professions and Patriarchy
Anne Witz
Places on the Margin
Rob Shields
Social Class Language and Education
Denis Lawton
Sociology of Postmodernism
Scott Lash
Housing Needs and Planning Policy
J Barry Cullingworth and 1 more
Home & Social Status
Dennis Chapman
Race, Discourse and Labourism
Caroline Knowles
Structures of Control in Health Management
Rob Flynn
The Changing Social Structure of England and Wales
David Marsh
Adolescents and Morality
EM Eppel
Peasant Renaissance in Yugoslavia 1900 -1950
Ruth Trouton
Private Corporations and their Control
AB Levy
Lifestyle Shopping
European Cosmopolitanism
Gurminder Bhambra
Class Structure in the Social Consciousness
Stanislaw Ossowski
Gurminder Bhambra and 1 more
Sociological Knowledge and Collective Identity
Stavit Sinai
Sociological Theory and the Capability Approach
Spiros Gangas
Staging Mobilities
Ole B Jensen
Indian Village
SC Dube